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Born on outskirts of Belgrade – Serbia in family of 4. Immigrated to South Africa in 1991 “running away” from civil war. Even though that I came to South Africa without papers, money, job or being able to speak English, I made this beautiful country my home. My career took me from being a waiter in the restaurant (my first job here) to Restaurant Manager, Sales Manager in Timeshare Company to MD and CEO of ZA Galvanizing. At the end of the August this year, I left my last position of Regional Sales Manager of EXIM International. When it comes to business, I am dedicated, punctual, loyal and organized with the skill set that made me achieve any task in front of me with the high rate of success. Privately, I am a nature and animal lover, a bit of the environmentalist and lifelong naturist. I am one of the funders and first Chairman of Western Cape Naturist Association – WCNA and South African National Naturist Association – SANNA. Passionate follower and supporter of South African Rugby and F1 Grand Prix.

 Listings /  WorldWide

I was born in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga, but raised in Jozini, Kwa-Zulu Natal and a Diver at heart. School Holidays were spent on the beach and in the ocean at Sodwana Bay. My Passion for acting started at a young age when I was approached by my arts teacher to play the lead as “Joseph” in that year’s school play, “Joseph and his technicolor dream coat”. In 2006, I moved to Saldanha bay Naval Base to conduct my basic training and upon completion, reported to Simon’s Town Naval Base Diving Centre. I worked at the Naval Diving Centre until mid- 2007, but reported for duty aboard SAS Spioenkop (Naval Warship) later that year and for the rest of my stay in the SA Navy. I resigned from the SA Navy at the end of 2009 to further pursue my childhood passion for acting, after it had been re-ignited back in 2007, when a Production Company came to shoot the one part series, “Diver’s Down”, at the Naval Diving Base where I was stationed. Since then, I performed numerous small roles in Films and TV Shows with goals and aspirations to become a successful actor in the industry. Years later and struggling in the industry, I started a Photography business in 2017 shooting headshots for actors in the industry and also specializing in Real Estate Photography. I also worked in the hospitality industry during this time, working my way up to head of staff at a fine dining Italian Restaurant in the Bellville area of Cape Town. In December 2018, I made the very hard decision to hang up my Actor’s hat and retire from the industry, as I needed to make a change. So with a fire in my belly and a pursuit of a new career, I embarked on an old passion within the boating world. I completed my Yacht Master Coastal and SAS Day Skipper certificate followed by a plane ticket to Nice, France. I spent a month walking countless amounts of steps that would make “Discovery Vitality” proud on the docks of the various harbors, handing out my CV in an attempt to book work as crew on board. With a few days worth of day work under the belt and finally booking an interview for a possible crew position, my visa expired and I needed to come home. Luckily, I was being strongly considered for a position aboard, but I needed to wait for the boat to come out of the drydock. With this, I flew back to SA with a hopeful heart, knowing that I would soon return to France. As things go, the opportunity was cancelled (Owner preferred a merger of the two available roles and he preferred a female). What to do now? Unemployed and with depleted finances of not being able to return, I started looking for work and was unemployed until Sept the same year when I finally got an opportunity to begin work as a Junior Site Supervisor for a Construction Business (not ideal, but hey challenge accepted and gotta pay dem bills son!). I have since then worked for the same company, building weigh bridges, expanding warehouses, pouring concrete floors and laying paving. I have learned so much and have grown allot since then. Recently I approached and dusted off my photography equipment again and am in the process of starting this up as well. Being in the construction industry has sparked allot of ideas and have given me a new passion for real estate, especially as an Investor. People tend to describe me as ambitious, hardworking, punctual and goal-oriented. I have high attention to detail and work really well in both a team environment and on my own. I am proactive, a problem solver and creative at heart. I won’t stop until the project or task is completed. More personally, I enjoy the outdoors, love being fit and healthy and spending my off time with my most valuable assets; family and friends. Short term goals: – To learn and grow the new skills required to perform given tasks efficiently and with excellence. -To prove myself a valuable asset, as a hardworking, dependable and trustworthy individual to my fellow colleagues, managers and seniors. Long term goals: -To become one of the best in my department and be seen as the go-to guy for a specific job or task. -To become manager and coach to younger generations looking to enter my industry. -To eventually run a team of managers, teaching them to effectively run their teams with excellence. I believe in serving others with excellence. The effort you put in will reap the results you desire. I also believe that being truthful, respectful and trustworthy are very important keys to success and I strive to live by these principles daily.

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I am passionate about my work. Because I love what I do, I have a steady source of motivation that drives me to do my best. In my last job, this passion led me to challenge myself daily and learn new skills that helped me to do better work. I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenges and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive toward. I’m not comfortable settling, and I’m always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness. I am an excellent communicator. I pride myself on making sure people have the right information because it drives better results. Most business issues stem from poor communication, so I feel a responsibility to keep everyone on the same page. I am results-oriented, constantly checking in with the goal to determine how close or how far away we are and what it will take to make it happen. I find this pressure inspiring and a great motivator for the rest of the team. I am highly organized. I always take notes, and I use a series of tools to help myself stay on top of deadlines. I like to keep a clean workspace and create a logical filing method, so I’m always able to find what I need. I find this increases efficiency and helps the rest of the team stay on track, too. I’m a people-person. I love meeting new people and learning about their lives and their backgrounds. I can almost always find common ground with strangers, and I like making people feel comfortable in my presence.

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I am 56 years old and love life ! and am engaged to a wonderful man and we have been together for 9 years. I have 1 son who lives in Houston, Texas with his lovely wife and my 2 beautiful grandchildren. I have 1 sister who is sadly disabled. She has Motor Neuron Disease and is paralysed from the neck down. She has had this debilitating illness since 1998. I care very deeply for her and continue to walk this hard, painful journey with her. I would love to one day open up a strung of Care Homes called Mandy in honour of her. Watching your disabled sister struggle every day has been heartbreaking, but through this I have learnt the art of caring, giving and kindness. To be able to help and be there for those less fortunate than you is a heartwarming experience and exceptionally rewarding. My passion is travelling – I absolutely LOVE IT ! My sport is Golf and because I have such an adventurous, extrovert personality I also love a lot of other things like Boating, Fishing, Cooking, Drinking wine and socialising. The list is so long because I am always willing to try new things and experience new places. I am an extrovert in personality and love bringing out the best in people. My profession at the moment is a Key accounts Manager for a Surgical Equipment company. I have been with them for 14 years. I have vast experience in Sales and Customer service and represent my company by calling on all Hospitals – Private and Provincial – throughout the entire Eastern Cape. I work with doctor’s in theatre and am skilled in the sale of Medical Equipment for Trauma, Gynie, Urology, General Surgery, Cardiology, Neurology, Gastro-Enterology, Ultrasound etc. Prior to being a Surgical Rep I was a Medical Rep for 20 years calling on General Practioners, Pharmacists and Physicians selling Pharmaceutical Drugs. I also have experience in the setting up of Vaccine Clinics and GIT Units. My passion is service and looking after my customers. I love to make a difference in everything that I do and work hard. I love to make people smile ! I am a great organiser and get things done. I am very loyal in business and in my private life and am committed to whatever I sign up for. You will always be able to rely on me. I would say that I am a Spiritual person. I have a genuine passion for seeking out the truth of all things. And placing myself on a sacred path of self discovery. I learn every day and try to live my life with a curious, grateful heart. I believe we can all be kind if we want to be and we can all make a difference in someone’s life if we want to. I want to make a difference in the world ! I know I can.

 Listings /  WorldWide

Been there, done that... doing it all over again! Herby, a product of South Africa, vintage '63, Internaut since '82. Roaming the world since the age of 23 to date. Jack of all trades, master of none. Techie, pilot, nomad. Can travel~live~work, anywhere. Global village citizen, living without boundaries, my primary passions are aviation, the sea and Ubuntu Synergy. I am, because we are. Together. We create unity, foster community, motivate affiliates to generate residual revenue, and facilitate networking events. It's time to LIVE your life! My mission is to help people from all walks of life, gain financial independence, while caring for the world around us. I believe charity begins at the cash register. Just say no to donations. Learn how to earn. Make sure you have a meal, an income, clothes, a home and good health. Constantly bombing your mind with books and exercise, are two battles that win the war of longevity. I want to grow old. There is no planet B. I'm a big fan of renewable resources and ethical commerce. Gardens, farming, trees and bees, and anything that carries fleas. Helping our paw-legged friends in shelters, finding furever homes much faster. Same for birds, horses, donkeys, circus prisoners and liberating zoos. Noble causes that need proactive participants. Anyone can help: Scholars, students, employment seekers, those just over broke. Single and stay-at-home parents. Business owners, administrators and managers of any ilk. Retrenched and retired folks who still have much to give. Everyone can become successful super affiliates. Generating residual income is easy, and I will be your guide. With 40+ years in technology, aviation and extensive travel, this digital nomad has a wealth of experience to share. Helping others navigate the fear of failure and proven pathway to success. Point-and-click easy here >>

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